The library and campus will be closed on Monday January 20, 2025, to celebrate the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. His leadership and oratory skills were grounded in a heritage of resistance to powerful economic and political forces. Here are just a few recollections from leaders of their time. Each quote is from a video. Search by keyword Martin Luther King within the Films on Demand library for more content like this.
Throughout the collection you will find: step-by-step training videos; scholarly commentary; vivid animation; full-length investigative documentaries; and hundreds of short-form videos. Films on Demand offers search by topical category, such as monthly exhibitions or in-the-news ideas, or search by content producer, such as BBC. It divides each film into succinct clips which can be used in class or projects. The entire catalog is keyword searchable and transcripts are provided for searching by ideas.
"There's a great deal of difference between non-resistance to evil and non-violent resistance. Non-resistance leaves you in a state of stagnant passivity and deadening complacency, wherein non-violent resistance means that you do resist in a very strong and determined manner." - The WPA Film Library
“Each time that he was doing something important, there was an effort to discredit him.” - Testimony before the Church Committee Details FBI Plans to Intimidate Martin Luther King Jr. ca. 1975
"Well, I don't think that Mr. Helms or the extreme right really speaks for the American people. Probably really speaks for the Republican Party on this issue. I believe that the filibuster will be broken and that we will commemorative Martin Luther King's birthday as it should be." – Edward Kennedy, Opposition to a Holiday for Martin Luther King, Jr.
“And we will be able to rise from the fatigue of despair to the buoyancy of hope, and this will be a great America. We will be the participants in making it so.” – Last Speech at the Washington Cathedral, March 31 1968