- Do not post pictures of yourself at a party.
- Do not post pictures of yourself doing something illegal.
- Do not post any pictures of yourself in any type of compromising position.
- Do not post any comments that could be construed to be racist, sexist or offensive to anyone. Remember, once you post a comment, it may be there forever. Even if you delete it, a copy of it exists out in cyberspace and can be searched.
- Do not click like on a post that could be construed t be racist, sexist or offensive to anyone. Again, this information will be searchable forever.
- Google your full name. Find out what's public and what's not. Remember once it's out there, someone can find it.
- Social Media--When using social media, make sure to research and use the privacy settings. Don't leave things open to the world. Anything public is searchable in Google.
- Prior to your interview, the company probably Googled you and searched social media. This means anything that's public will be found.
- Use different personal and professional email accounts. This will keep things a little more clear.
- Ask friends not to tag you in any pictures that they might post. Especially, if those pictures are from a setting that might not be flattering to your reputation.