Michelle Fields
10:00AM to 10:45AM
Fantastic Women in Speculative Worlds: A Look at Women Writing Science Fiction and Fantasy
Despite the general impression of speculative fiction being an interest primarily for men, women have been reading and writing both science fiction and fantasy for generations. Join Michelle Fields for a peek at some of the amazing women who have been contributing to both genres from their early days to more recent times.
Dr. Mary Wallen
Poetry & the Art of Life: Self-Expression through Metaphors
11:00AM to 11:45PM
Unleash your creativity. In this workshop, examples of art-inspired poetry will be shared, and participants will engage in writing activities. These writing practices are crafted to inspire participants to reflect on their own lives, emotions, and experiences and to consider how writing serves as a profound tool for self-reflection and storytelling.
The Printery
1:00PM to 3:00PM
Join the folks from The Printery to completed a guided oil painting.