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Fields Michelle HIS 101 World Civilization I: Book Reviews

Pick a Book

If the book you would like to read is not included on the list of suggested books, make sure to get approval from your instructor before you begin reading the book.  If you see a great nonfiction book that is not on this list, it can be considered for your book review.

History 101 Pinterest Page

Find the Book and Read It

  • look on the Pinterest board, search the BSCTC Library resources button for those titles or a topic
  • you can fill out a book selection form for Ms. Fields' evaluation of any nonfiction scholarly title, if it's a scholarly book, she may let you use it for the review
  • you cannot select novels, no fiction for this review
  • books must be reviewed in scholarly sources and support a broad audience
  • books cannot be children's books

Book Review assignment overview video

You only need two sources: your textbook and the book that you are reviewing.


  1. In section 1, you should summarize the main points of your book.
  2. In section 2, what chapter and pages of your textbook does this coincide with? You may need to look at the bigger picture when answering this question, not just the specific incident or person that the book is about.
  3. In section 3, in your opinion, does the author show bias either for or against the subject of the book or do you feel that the author stays pretty neutral showing both positives and negative sides of the subject? Please back up your opinion with at least 2 examples.
  4. In section 4, answer these questions:
    1. Who do you believe the intended audience for your book is?
    2. Would you recommend this book to next semester’s students who want to know more about your book’s subject matter? Why or why not?

These book reviews should only be about three pages long.

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Chat with a Librarian

Timing Issues

Is it in our library? Look for a call number in BSCTC resources.  If  you need to pick it up, you have a request form in this class.  Librarians can usually get local copies to you in a few days.

If it's not in our library, start an interlibrary loan request for it.   Another library can ship it and you can pick it up in around three weeks.

Documentation for Book Review

Please make sure that you give credit to your sources. You should use MLA style documentation with in-text citations and a Works Cited Page. On your Works Cited Page, you only need two sources: your textbook and the book that you are reviewing. If you do not know how to do this, please let me, one of the librarians, or your English professor know. We will all be glad to help you.

Submission of Book Review Assignment


Online History 101 classes write it and submit it via a Blackboard dropbox on a specific day.

In-person History 101 classes write it in class on a specific day.