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Fields Michelle History HIS 265 History of Women in America: HIS 265 Research Project

Assignment Overview


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Part 1: Potential Candidate List Assignment (50 Points)

You are being asked to complete a research project with a presentation over one woman in American history that you feel more people should know about. You must pick women from American history.

The project is divided into three parts.  For part one of this project, you will submit potential candidates from each of four categories. The four categories are Appalachian women, Innovators, Femme Fatales, and Agents of Change. The submission will include a paragraph about each candidate. 

Begin Here Part One:

  • Come up with a shortlist of 4 people that are potential candidates for your final choice.
  • Write a paragraph long justification for their inclusion.
  • Include a list of sources consulted.
  • You will turn in a copy of this list.
  • There should be one candidate for each of the categories.
    • Appalachian Women--Women either born in the Appalachian region or whose life and work greatly impacted the Appalachian region. The core region of Appalachian includes the states of Kentucky, Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina, Mississippi and Tennessee. 
    •  Innovators--Women who have invented or enhanced technology or introduced new scientific concepts such as Hedy Lamarr.
    • Femme Fatales--Women who can take care of themselves and are slightly dangerous such as a soldier or an adventurer. 
    • Agents of Change--Women who worked to improve the society around them. 

Henrietta Lacks

This is a photo of Henrietta Lacks whose cells were used in cancer research.

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Part 2: Research Project (100 Points)

For part two of this project, you will be submitting a written 3-5 page research paper about your final choice. 

Begin Here Part Two: 

  • From the four candidates you submitted, make your final choice to research.
  • Write a 3-5 page research paper about the life of that woman. Topics that can be looked at include the following about the candidate’s life: early life, education, accomplishments, family, etc.
  • The paper must be in MLA format. 
  • The paper must include 4 college level academic resources. Please use the databases and library resources tab on this library guide. 
  • You are strongly encouraged to submit your paper to the ACE for review because grammar and punctuation are included as a part of the grading rubric. 

Part 3: Presentation (50 Points)

For part three of this research assignment, you are being asked to make a 5 minute presentation about your paper using VoiceThreads. 

Begin Here Part Three: 

  • You will be asked to do a  5 minute presentation about your paper using VoiceThreads in our BlackBoard shell.
  • For this presentation you should have visuals and your voice making the presentation. 
  • The last slide of your presentation should include the list of your sources consulted for your paper. 

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[a graphic of several people walking and sitting on books while gesturing at each other]


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