Urban legends are second hand stories just plausible enough to be believed. Urban Legends are considered modern folklore, because they are perpetuated by word of mouth (or Internet), and they have a fluid quality to them, allowing the storyteller to embellish and make his or her own. This quality is the reason that the urban legend lives on.
Begin this research project by reading urban legends. Ask around, look on the Internet, etc., but do not become overwhelmed in this search.
Now that you have chosen your urban legend, provide the following information:
A. Summary of the legend. Do not become bogged down in the details, but write to include the “heart” of the story. Be an effective storyteller by using the skills you use in journal entries.
B. Analyze the legend by addressing the plausibility of the tale. Who do you speculate could be the source of the story? Why? Is there a lesson or moral to the story? If so, what is it? How could this story be adapted to be renewed and move forward in time?
MLA style documentation; three to five pages. You must include four separate outside sources to substantiate your analysis of the urban legend genre as well as document the actual legend that you choose.