When using the library search box to find physical books, click on Available in the Library on the left-hand side of the screen, select Books from Resource Type, or select the location you want to find the book in. When looking for ebooks, select Full Text Online and Books from Resource Type. (Shown below)
Want to find books on the shelves? Call numbers are in alphabetical order, starting with A. Most books on Science will have call numbers beginning with Q. Specific subjects are included below:
Q Science (General)
QA Mathematics
QB Astronomy
QC Physics
QD Chemistry
QE Geology
QH Natural history - Biology
QK Botany
QL Zoology
QM Human anatomy
QP Physiology
QR Microbiology
Want to find books on the shelves? Call numbers are in alphabetical order, starting with A. Most books on Medicine will have call numbers beginning with R. Specific subjects are included below:
R Medicine (General)
RA Public aspects of medicine
RB Pathology
RC Internal medicine
RD Surgery
RE Ophthalmology
RF Otorhinolaryngology
RG Gynecology and obstetrics
RJ Pediatrics
RK Dentistry
RL Dermatology
RM Therapeutics. Pharmacology
RS Pharmacy and materia medica
RT Nursing
RV Botanic, Thomsonian, and eclectic medicine
RX Homeopathy
RZ Other systems of medicine
Want to find books on the shelves? Call numbers are in alphabetical order, starting with A. Most books on Technology will have call numbers beginning with T. Specific subjects are included below:
T Technology (General)
TA Engineering (General). Civil engineering
TC Hydraulic engineering. Ocean engineering
TD Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering
TE Highway engineering. Roads and pavements
TF Railroad engineering and operation
TG Bridge engineering
TH Building construction
TJ Mechanical engineering and machinery
TK Electrical engineering. Electronics. Nuclear engineering
TL Motor vehicles. Aeronautics. Astronautics
TN Mining engineering. Metallurgy
TP Chemical technology
TR Photography
TS Manufactures
TT Handicrafts. Arts and crafts
TX Home economics