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Computer Skills: Technology Tricks

This brief tutorial guide leads you to ways to brush up on your computer skills. It is useful for new students or students who may need some basic skills training.

Why Isn't My Computer Working?

Your learning environment is not designed to work on the Internet Edge or Safari web browsers. If you use these browsers, you will not be able to complete assignments or access some Big Sandy websites.

Two icons representing the Microsoft Edge and Explorer browsers, with red Xs drawn through image of the safari icon with a red x drawn through it

To download Chrome, go to and use the download button.  Follow on-screen directions.

An animated gif where the user navigates to a website and selects the download button for the Chrome browser.

To change your default browser setting, search for Default Apps and change to anything but Internet Edge or Safari.

An animated gif of a user using the search tool on the desktop to change the default app for Browser to Google Chrome.

[ a screenshot with the NEW PASSWORD button highlighted on the KCTCS User Account Center]I Forgot My Password!

Go to the reset password link and ask for a new one.   Current Students > User Account Center

Clearing the cache means deleting the search history, deleting any cookies you have received from sites, and clearing any saved password login data.  

Clearing the cache is especially important if:

  • something weird started happening recently on a computer where you could always access Big Sandy content

  • you changed your password recently

  • you can't access Blackboard assignments or quizzes, especially from a textbook company