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ONLINE FYE105 Financial Literacy: Now What?

Budget Methods

Now what?  You've completed the budget form, what's next?

Envelope method--Make an envelope for each budget area. Only spend what's in the envelope.

Zero Based Budgeting--In this method you spend what you take in.

Balanced Budget Method--50% Needs, 20% Wants, 30% savings.


Budget lessons


"We don't eat out that much."

"I'll just put it on the credit card."

"Insurance is the least of our worries."

[an illustration of the grim reaper, death with a black cloak, red eyes, and scythe]






[an image of an angel, back to the viewer, with hands making a heart]

"A dollar saved is a dollar earned."

"I'm paying my higher interest rate loans first." 

"We've earned this.  Let's enjoy it."



Define Your Spending Priorities

  • Organize your expensive debts and pay them down/off.
  • Build a safety net. Automatically deposit money into your savings account.
  • Don't charge.
  • Live within your means.